Parking tips

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1 Book on time

Cheapest parking spaces are often gone quickly, so if you'll book at the last minute, you'll always pay more. With some of the providers, the cheapest parking spaces can only be booked in advance and no later than two weeks before your departure date. That why it's wise to compare parking providers with each other at least two weeks before your departure and to reserve a place directly online.

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2 See what customers are saying

It's difficult to know whether a parking provider can be trusted without browsing through customer reviews. A parking space that looks good in theory can sometimes be disappointing in practice, and that's where reviews can help. See what people liked or didn't like about the service, how well they were served, and whether they'd recommend it to others. If you still have questions after you've read through them, you can always contact our customer service or take a look ar our frequently asked questions.

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3 Leave on time

Going on a trip can be quite stressful. But if you plan your time wisely, you'll ensure a smooth and relaxing journey. Get to the airport early—at least 3 hours in advance. That will leave you ample time to find your parking space, unload your luggage, and get to the airport for your flight without any rush.

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4 Find the car park quickly

To get to the car park quickly and easily, it's best to enter the exact address of your parking provider in your GPS. There are a number of car parks near the airport, and it might not be clear which one is what you're looking for. Also, don't forget to print your booking confirmation and keep it in a handy place in case you need it to enter the car park or check in with reception. Finally, write down or take a photo of your parking space to avoid searching for it after a tiring flight back.

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5 Record mileage

Most parking providers check and record your mileage upon arrival. This is done to give you more peace of mind and to ensure that no one is driving your car while you're away. If your parking provider doesn't offer this service, then make sure to take photos of your mileage yourself. It's highly unlikely that your parking provider will abuse your good faith, but this way you make sure that you're protected no matter what.

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6 Upon return

A bit of preparation can go a long way in making sure that your return is as smooth as it can be. Make sure to keep you car key in one place. This way, you'll be able to find it exactly when you need it. Turn on your phone as soon as you land, so you can contact the parking provider and arrange your transfer back to the car park on time. This way, you'll avoid unnecessary delays. Also, make sure you have enough fuel to get you home, or at least until the closest gas station. Having jumper cables in the car might also save you trouble. Start-up problems are quite common for cars that stood in one place for a while.

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7 Don't leave any valuables in sight

Before attempting a break-in, thieves always check out the car first. If there's nothing valuable to see, there's a greater chance that they'll lose interest. That's why it's wise to keep your valuables out of sight, especially when you park your car in an unattended parking area. To show car thieves that there's nothing for them to find, empty our your parcel shelf and remove it from the car. That way, they immediately see there's nothing valuable to steal.

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